Getting away with crime is difficult enough, but it's especially hard when the criminal advertises his or her crimes to the world in advance. Cases in point: police in Quincy, Mass., discovered a man sleeping in a stolen car in the parking lot of a CVS pharmacy, wearing a stocking on his head and holding a cap gun and a note saying: "I have a Gun DO NOT Press any Alarms or let Custermors [sic] know Empty the All the register." And police in Moorhead, Minn., arrested a man for drunken driving last week who had a personalized license plate that read "TIPSY." "It doesn't mean I drink and drive," the defendant explained to the Associated Press. "It just means I have a good time."
All I have to say is, well... WOW. I feel a lot better about my (blog) writing skills after reading that stickup note. You gotta admit, the dumb criminals have a way of getting themselves caught. It truly is a nice self-correcting cycle.