Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Chronology of my Vote

I have an announcement. If Hillary somehow manages to become the Democratic nominee for 2008, I will "quit" the democratic party and officially change my affiliation to Independent. Plus, I will write in Barack's name on the ballot.

How did I get to this place? Here is the chronology of my vote for 2008:
  • I read Audacity of Hope, and told Nina that Obama should run.
  • Nina said "What? He will never win." I said, "I don't care, he would make the primaries better by his presence and change the conversation for the better."
  • Many months pass - Nina is slowly worn down by my unbelievablely great rhetoric about Barack's candidacy. :) (more importantly, she reads his book)
  • I announce one night - and this is at a point that Obama is well behind and Hillary is "inevitable" - that I more impressed with Hillary and her command of the issues. I tell Nina that I would be "OK" with voting for her if Barack doesn't pull it out and she becomes the nominee.
  • Nina says "What?!?" I explain that she would be a good president and certainly better than any of the Republican candidates at this point.
So, a little break. At this point I was still an Obama supporter, but planning to vote for Clinton if she pulled it out. So Democratic candidate either way. (If is was Edwards, I would have voted for McCain or wrote in a name). Back to the timeline...
  • Flash forward many months - now Obama-mania has captured more of the country. He wins Iowa, loses New Hampshire, etc. I am feeling good about things.
  • Super Tuesday comes and goes and Obama is still Barocking the Vote.
  • People start talking about super-delegates. Nina says, what if the Superdelegates make Hillary the nominee. I say, "that won't happen, the Democratic party can't shoot itself in the foot. They have a chance to win a voting bloc for a generation." (That voting bloc is voung people, btw).
  • Hillary and her camp start talking about Florida/Michigan, and getting superdelegates to vote for her. I start to get annoyed, but still think that the world and the democratic party is a bright and shiny place.
  • Hillary goes postal and "angrified" waving flyers around.
  • Nader gets in the election as a useless third party candidate.
So I reach the decision this morning - that for me staying a Democrat is simple. Obama as a candidate, I am in. Hillary I am out. For good.

I am at the end of the day, only one vote and one person. But I am serious.

Democratic Party
- what will you do?